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Request Donation Registration Packet


The amnion membrane and amniotic fluid is recovered by your doctor during your birth process utilizing the safest and most innovative techniques to ensure aseptic collection of tissue and the safety of your newborn.  The donation process requires no additional surgical procedures for you, only a routine blood sample collection and, if applicable, the aspiration of amniotic fluid at the time of birth.


When you consent to amnion membrane and amniotic fluid donation, you answer a series of questions that pertain to your medical and social history to ensure the safety of the recipient of your tissues, similar to the questionnaire utilized for blood donation.


Your donation is a priceless gift that enhances the quality of life for others.

No Cost

There is no cost to the donor, the family or the hospital to participate in birth tissue donation.

Your baby’s placenta is the key to helping other heal.

Donating it to help others means your baby will literally be

Born a Hero!

Why the placenta:


The amniotic layer of the placenta has many components in it that are critical to wound healing. This tissue helps your baby grow and protects him/her from harm. The same benefits that your baby gets can be shared with others in need. Normally these tissues are discarded and are not needed after birth.

For patients in need, this tissue offers:


Improves healing effectiveness for those with little options

Reduces the probability of infection

Greatly reduces scar tissue

Offers wide range of transplant options for doctors.



Enhanced wound healing

Antimicrobial properties

Anti-inflammatory properties

Non-immunogenic for transplantation


How it works:


Register with Born A Hero through a simple and confidential process.


Once you register, our staff will reach out to you answer your questions and ensure that we have everything we need to recover.


Once your baby is born and mom and baby are healthy, only then will the placenta be recovered and sent to us. We will then work hard to make the tissues into regenerative products to help others heal.

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The story of your baby’s placenta doesn’t have to stop with birth. Let the story continue in helping others heal.

Let your baby be Born a Hero!

Born a Hero Logo Color Heart Only Clear       Crown Peak Industries, LLC 2016

Tel: 480-434-6650

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